A great and thoughtful piece of writing, thanks. A quick internal poll of acquaintances:

Active deniers 10%

Passive deniers 30%

Soporific 30%

Acceptors (conciliatory) 25%

Acceptors (‘those bastards’) 5%

I truly hope, as people’s eyes open, that the numbers push further to your ‘right’ of this spectrum. The damage has been too great to too many for this to be allowed to drift into some vague memory. Bright lights need to be shone by as many as possible into the dark corners of what happened and what may happen in the future. Your advice toward the end regarding management of the ‘rage’ is welcome. It is important to maintain but not be consumed by it, to not burn out and drift back to the comfort of ‘let’s just move on’. Truly, thanks again, your writing helps.

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Thanks for your encouragement. I speak to so few people these days at a meaningful level that it's hard to judge the distribution of denial/acceptance attitudes. Most conversations / interactions I have would be firmly in the Soporific I would say.

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I loved everything about this piece, from the title, to the Jaspers quotes. Many Thanks!

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Thanks Shane😊

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