All true, up to a point...

But if we really were ready to let them get away with it, they wouldn't need their Mis/Dis laws to hide behind. Nor would the strident premiers be scuttling like cockroaches for the nearest dark corner.

THEY seem to expect blowback and we shouldn't disappoint them.

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Let’s not disappoint them!!

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On a related topic - Richard, I'm still working on my submission for next Friday on the Digital ID Bill. Finding it very hard to get past the 'Burn in hell you power-mad bastards' stage, but I found the page where previous submissions have been posted. Your submission and several others have given me some useful angles to pursue.

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The quote from the film A Bug's Life

"You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life! It's not about food. It's about keeping those ants in line. That's why we're going back! Does anybody else wanna stay?"

NO is a complete sentence!

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Well said, thank you! It sounds just like an abusive family system. That’s not abuse, that’s just how things were then! Sweep it under the rug, if anyone tries to discuss it, scapegoat her. I see no other solution in such cases than escalation. I hope I’m wrong and just can’t see all the other solutions or maybe I just have zero faith in what I’m hearing and seeing and I’ll be proven wrong any day now.

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Spot on - being vax injured is up there with declaring yourself a leper.

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I guess we just have to speak up when we can.

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Your interview with Jason Olbourne on tntradio.live on the weekend was great. We could call all the mainstream megenisists "baffling doctors". When you do a search on "baffling doctor" a plethora of media antics comes up.

Elizabeth Hart's letter fell on dead heads too: https://phillipaltman.substack.com/p/five-years-imprisonment-andor-a-66600

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Thanks! So at least one person heard it :)

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On Brett Sutton achieving an Australia Day award (even though he "helped to discourage the use of ivermectin when the evidence for the safety and efficacy of this drug has been widely known for three years?"https://phillipaltman.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccination-in-children) you said in the tnt interview 'He announced measures that made everybody's lives miserable to no good effect. Then there was no productive benefit from these orders...now the measures he imposed were only destructive. people lost jobs, marriages, their wealth. And their positive outlook on life.

Within beurocracy, what is the definition of productive benefit?

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I don't think the question of costs v benefits even entered their heads

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he SUCKING BEASTIAL PSYCHOPATHS have no ethics or morality. People that do these things can’t be trusted or respected https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/what-is-adrenochrome-follow-the-white-rabbit

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From the Amazon book review, "[Satter] shows how it is possible for a government to deny the inherent value of its citizens and for the population to agree...."

You may enjoy a stroll through Kathleen Watts' substack post today on an alternative basis for government which respects the inherent value of its citizens. But, the population of western liberal democracies as now constituted would definitely not agree to the necessary restrictions on their personal behavior to abide by this valuation.

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